Investigation I: Objects of Memory
As part of investigation I you’re asked to prototype a new tangible device
Develop a hybrid object (tangible, connected object) for memory; this critical prototype should embody, externalize or augment your memory through digital and computational processes.
In this section you’ll find the following resources
A list of tools and technologies for self-tracking that you might use to gather data in your projects.
An overview of working with components like:
Three step-by-step case studies offer non visual approaches to potentially cueing or encoding memory:
In this example, we’ll use RFID to detect when a ‘tagged’ object has been placed on our Smart Object. Our micro controller will then relay the device ID to Processing and display an image
Working with the DFPlayer Mini to play MP3s to create sound-based reminsence; and
Combining simple actuators like a heating element, fan, etc to create an internet connected scent dispenser.